Some crazy person decided to start a 67 day Challenge the morning after New Years Day. That crazy person was me. I needed something to get me out of a funk and change my habits, so I can achieve my goals. For the longest time I have been playing around with waking up at 5am every day. I finally made the call to let go and just do it.
In creating the 67 Day Challenge to get up at pre-5am every day, I knew I needed some sort of accountability. So since I do the 5amMesterScrum show almost every day, I figure I would do a live show for a few minute documenting my Challenge journey at around 515am give or take.
Well I’m into it on my 13th Day now and interesting enough a few people have responded that they are starting their own challenges. I’m so happy for them.
What is a Challenge?
I could be the exact police and say a Challenge should fundamentally change a personal habit to its core. But I think that is too restrictive. I have no problem with the challenge being about a long term habits, a short term promise or even a project to launch something new. The important thing is that it should get you out of a life of mediocrity
Challenge should get you out of a life of Mediocrity
Challenge Key Components:
- A item, habit or something that you decide needs changing
- I call it 67 Days – A start and end i.e. 60 days or per research it is actually 66 days (I need to really change the title of my effort to 67 day challenge) see James Clear writings and his book Atomic Habits
- A daily goal
- Some sort of accountability or punishment if the daily goal is not meant
- A Great Reset of the Day Count if the Goal is not met, where if on day 20 you don’t make a goal then you start all over back at day 1 the next day.

What A Challenge is “Not”
- Not Easy
- Not place of arrival at the end of your time but a series challenge each and every day
- Probably wont be understood by those around you and in fact will probably sabotage along the way. Some by accident and some on purpose. But don’t blame them. as it is your weakness that allows it. You control you.
You control You! No one else!
A Challenge is a Process and Not End Goal
I had a connect reach out about a challenge they wanted to achieve. The it was stated it was more of an End Goal in 60 (67) Days.
They said I want to “do XYZ in 60 (67) days”
Well I had reach out and say that is not a Challenge. You have to create something that you will do everyday for “67 days” and make it a habit. Break down what you goal is into daily goals. For example, let’s say your goal is to write a new program and make millions.
Well what would you have to do every day to achieve that goal?
In this case maybe it is write code for 30 minutes a day every day. You have to do it no matter what obstacle appears. It is about the process.
The Great Reset
Then you have to pick something as an accountability item. Let’s say no TV or game time or no favorite program. It has to be sometime you do daily so it has value. It can be for the 30 minutes you missed or as I say it gets associated with a “Great Reset”.
I got this term from watching Youtuber Ryan Trahan – Delivering a penny to Mr. Beast. (it was a family time activity) He used the term Great Reset to a penny every time people would donate $50K to his charity. The money he earned that day would rest to a penny and then he had to earn money once again to pay for food, housing and travel.
My twist to the Great Reset is that you have the start the clock back to Day 1. So if you skipped a Daily goal on let’s say Day 20, your clock starts again at Day 1. You might say well what does that do? That is not a challenge? Here is the kicker, You are not allowed you favorite thing until after you past the day you failed.
For example, lets say your challenge is only one sugary item a day and you fail on Day 44, then you can’t have any sugary item for the next 44 days. only then can you have one sugary item.
Another example, if your daily goal is coding 30 minutes a day and you miss a day on day 15, then you can watch you favorite TV program for another 15 days. Then on new Reset day of 16 and only then can you watch your show.
Why the 67 Day Challenge in the 1st Place?
So why do this 67 Day Challenge in the first place? When one notices things not getting done or a slow down in one’s step, it is time for a Change. The Change might need to be physical, mental, health, relationships with self or others or it might even be career based. A good 67 day challenge could help get you on a life long track in the right direction.
In my case I started with the 67 Day wake up before 5am Challenge to open doors to so much more that I knew I wanted. It is a gateway for change physically, mentally, Healthwise, career and relationship wise. I’ll probably do an article later on that. For an idea here is a photo of my notes on my morning activities.

I’m curious how this works out. I already add 2 more habits to my 67 day challenge and it looks like I have 2 more morning habits to start up soon.
Reach out on our slack group if you would like help with accountability on your own personal challenge. Its free if you sign up for the 5amMesterScrum email newsletter.
I wish you the Best on your own Challenge. Please feel to reach out for feedback, even in LinkedIn.