Friday, March 28, 2025

    5am Wakeup 1st Challenge 2025

    For 2025, I have started my own 60-Day challenge exercise to make a Live short broadcast at 515am EST everyday. The video is the accountability, but the habit being worked is getting up at 4:50am EST every day. This habit change just energizes me to take on my goals and squeeze in one or two items to help me move towards my goals. Having a family and pets can be a distractor. So I found it best to get up before everyone else. It reminds me of when I first started the 5amMesterScrum show.

    Connect with us if you need help with your own challenge or need some accountability help. Join me with a 5am Wakeup Challenge for your 2025 year.

    Why the 5am Challenge?

    The Challenge is to wake up pre 5am, so I can meet my goals for the year. I wanted to start this habit so it can be maintained for the long hall. I’m documenting the good and bad experience trying build a habit over 60 days plus. Sharing the truth and not sugar coating it.

    So far I already had one Great Reset on the 60 day count and it has only been 5 days. But there have been a positives.

    • Positive energy early in the morning
    • Getting at least one things done before all the distractions begin
    • Learned some new tools I can use to go live
    • Found a new energy level to go for stuff
    • Watching my sleep more. Targeting a 10pm bedtime
    • Watching my eating. Targeting a 730pm EST cutoff
    • Looking forward to more exercise

    I hope you can join me on such a challenge. I have a list of challenges that I will be doing in the future. A beauty of a 60 day challenge is that one can do 6 per year. I’m imaging changing 6 habits a year and in 3 years that would be 18 habits. This would amazing, imaging changing 18 bad habits or creating 18 good habits.

    Some challenges I jotted down in my notes to try:

    • The 28 Day Thank You Challenge from the Magic Book
    • Reading 1 to 5 pages a day Challenge. That 30 to 150 pages a month. If you didn’t read any books in 2024 that would be like a book every 2.5 to 5 months. Or 2 to 6 books a year. That can be a game changer. Just reading a few pages a day.
    • Eating a salad a day?
    • 15 minute workout every day. Incentive maybe 1 hour junk TV a week.
    • Lent 40 day carb and sugar cut
    • 90 days fitness challenge
    • AI Learning Challenge
    • Make 10 new connections and in 30 days that is 300 new connections
    • Make 10 marketing calls per day
    • Comment, Like or post once a day on LinkedIn feel free to like our posts to get you started

    There are so many and ideas are welcome.

    Agile Cheerleader, Full Stack Coach, and Keynote Speaker, ICP-ATF/ACC,/BAF, CAL1/CSP/CSM/CSPO, PMI-PMP/ACP, SAFe SA/SPC, S@S, TKP, LeSS Basic

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